March 8, 2009

my day of rest

So, a few Catholic bishops want people to give up technology for lent. According to the Associated Press, the Modena diocese stated, "It's a small way to remember the importance of concrete and not virtual relationships." Their argument is completely understandable, but I am going to follow the Pope and continue YouTubing. Apparently Benedict updated his YouTube channel this past Wednesday. I guess he prefers virtual relationships. Maybe he finds it similar to his connection with God...

Gizmodo phrased the contradicting request quite well, "The bishops stated that they hoped a ban on text messaging would "draw attention to the conflict in Congo, which it says is fueled by a struggle over mines that supply minerals used to make cellphones." That's sort of reasonable and at the same time also totally unreasonable, in that nobody is going to make that connection unless their phones are inscribed with 'MADE WITH THE BLOOD OF CONGOLESE MINERS" on the front.'"

If anything just give up Twitter. In the spirit of God and worthless tech applications.

With Lent in mind, or really genius publicity stunts, Vanilla Ice recorded an apology video stating, "I'm sorry for the hairdos, baggy pants, the scandals, the lies, the gangs, and I am sorry about the music. I was young, manipulated and I was a puppet."

I am sorry this video came out 20 years too late.

I am sorry he is a poor actor.

And I am sorry he didn't apologize for sampling Queen's "Under Pressure."

My photo of the week:

Sorority artistic appropriation at its best! I know I was a creeper for taking this snapshot with my phone, but I could not resist, it was too good! Viva USC.

1 comment:

Imperfect Perfectionist said...

"I guess he prefers virtual relationships. Maybe he finds it similar to his connection with God..."

HAH! Nice.