March 25, 2009

design + function = good

I have always been a fan of products that are both practical/functional and designed. It can add delight and beauty to the monotony of some products, and in my case often humor as well. I believe it makes life fuller and more enjoyable. And as Oscar Wilde so brilliantly stated, "life is too important to be taken seriously."

For example, I own a Das Kapital safe and a tape dispenser man.

I don't claim to only own designed items that are functional because I do have perfectly useless but INCREDIBLE items like my Mickey Mao (I have it in red).

But there are certain items that everyone needs, like ice trays. So why not buy an Ice Invader Tray? The only reasons not to is if you don't know what a space invader is, you don't like space invaders, or style scares you. My point - if you need it why not go a little farther and make it special? Being a designer, I am all about personalization. It's great for self-expression.

Now on to totally worthless designed items (excluding my Mickey Mao, because it really is brilliant). This Monday, the HRP-4C humanoid robot was revealed at Japan's fashion week. Yes, not a tech conference, fashion week, because this robot has been designed to be a runway model. According to the director of the humanoid robot engineering, "Our robot can't move elegantly like the real models that are here today." No kidding, that half squat below is really sexy... However, Darth Vader would totally buy what ever clothes are going to be modeled on that rigid metallic frame.

With 2 million dollars in production it is a little disappointing, actually no, really impressive, but why for fashion?! Sometimes I feel people develop technology just to say they developed it, but it's totally unnecessary (kind of like the new shuffle). There are some things that artificial intelligence can not replace. The research director says that another 20-30 years is needed before this robot is perfected. I think that is science wasted. However, it can easily be applied elsewhere and I never like to frown on research because any progress in science is fantastic.

The only thing this "model" could possible wear is this new clothing line that was inspired by the recent UFO sightings in China...

If I was an alien, China would be the last place I would land. Plus with all their surveillance projects I would be quickly discovered and destroyed. Unfortunately, You-Tube is banned again in China, so my brilliant alien discovery would never be broadcasted and poor Moulder would still be left believing.

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