May 8, 2009

I'm a nerd

Some of my recent discoveries that are quite nerdy>

I love the comics on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. They are always pretty clever, but they are usually improved if you read the caption below. Apparently one of the benefits of math is solving irrational proofs that can boost your self esteem. Wait that's wrong... :)

Another hit at Twitter! Awesome. Thank you Middlebrow. Bring the beast down! However, the Middlebrow comics have a Twitter account... hmmm. I get why it is appealing, really I do, but so many other networking sites have more depth. If you are going to keep in touch with friends through a virtual environment at least allow for more points of connection or conversation, otherwise our society is doomed. Most people are already losing their social skills. I fear a future Wall-E world where we all communicate via computer and nothing else. Ok, resisting a rant... ahhhhhh it's difficult. One more thing - I want Twitter to start charging for accounts. Then everyone would quit the site. Well, I would hope.

So, I just discovered Ian Pool. He is a great photographer that captures moments that seem ordinary but with a closer look they either present an interesting narrative on society or something completely ridiculous and comical. I love all the photos, but I particularly love the series of superheroes (and villains) doing everyday activities. Like Doc Oct, from Spider-man, on the phone in his girly man room; the incredible Hulk walking a tiny little dog; or the one below with Vader. Genius! I guess superheroes don't have aliases.

Speaking of Vader, how did I miss this on Gizmodo?! The Vader Project gave 100 notable artists a scale Vader helmet to decorate. Their tag line is - "Pop culture meets evil dad." Where can I get one?!!!! This is like a mass produced DIY vinyl toy event.

I am a techno geek, and I am particularly infatuated with Macs. When I found this tutorial it made me so happy! Given my finals, I haven't looked into the specs of the process, but just the idea of making the Apple logo on a laptop into an LCD screen is awesome! And so purrrttyyyy.

Ok so before I show any more of my nerdy discoveries let me clear up some stereotypes. Nerds are not just geeks with glasses that play video games and have no sex life. Nerds are people who are intelligent and are usually focused on a particular hobby. Don't get me wrong, it can be the stereotypical video game hobby, but there are also technology nerds, design nerds, movies nerds, etc. In my case I am a little of all of those. That is one reason why I was even more amused by the Vader Project.

Given my design nerd side, I am entertained by average things that are improved by some sort of altering design element. Like the combs below that are shaped like knives. How cool is that?! A knife comb, hahahaha!

Here is another example of being a design nerd - the graphic design heroes t-shirt collection. If you don't know who Paul Rand or Milton Glaser is, then you are definitely not a design nerd, or even remotely clued into design history.

Considering all the crazy designed things out there, this has to be the craziest - designer axes. Almost everything I own is somewhat designed - I have a Lego shaped external hard drive, I have pillow shaped like a log... even my dish scrubber is designed (it looks like a porcupine!). But why would anyone ever need a designer axe? The only people that use axes are foresty-woodsy people, farmers, firefighters, murderers... who else? I don't know, but I am pretty sure people who need axes don't really care if the handle is pink or green. I would categorize this as a failed design job.

I think I should go study. Bye.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Shoutout to your log-shaped pillow!