April 15, 2009

what I don't want for my birthday

It's my 21st birthday today and a few people have asked me what I want. I don't know what I want, but I can tell you what I don't want...

I don't want a PediSedate.

It is suppose to distract kids with video games while they are being drugged for oral surgery. No game could distract me from that thing on my head. That head piece looks like a My Little Pony Hannibal Lecter mask.

I don't want a Speak n' Spellbinder.

Speak n' Spell + plastic instruments = bad idea.

Dane Cook accurately described the Speak n' Spell in one stand up routine:

"I couldn't spell when I was a little kid, I couldn't spell.
So my parents were all concerned so they went down to the uh toy store.
They bought me a little red box called Speak... n' spell.
You remember that? Speak n' spell?
They shouldn't have called it speak and spell.
What they should've called it was Speak... Like the Devil!"

So, imagine the devil speaking from your Rock Band Guitar. Talk about a cure for a video game addiction. However, I do appreciate the idea.

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